
  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is an ancient modality of Chinese medicine. It is the insertion of hair-thin needles into the "channels" of the body to rebalance "qi." When qi is blocked and not flowing smoothly, physical and emotional pain results. The purpose of acupuncture is to find this blockage and restore a smooth flow. Western medicine understands acupuncture as manipulating the fascia and connective tissue to elicit muscular, neurological, and hormonal changes in the body.

  • Trigger Point Therapy

    Trigger point therapy (also known as “dry needling") is a type of acupuncture that releases tight muscles in the body. Trigger points are tight, tender, hyper-irritable spots in the muscles that produce local tenderness or referred pain. By releasing trigger points directly, tightness and pain can be quickly and efficiently reduced. This style is excellent for orthopedic conditions.

  • Electrical Stimulation

    Electrical stimulation, or electroacupuncture (EA), is the stimulation of acupuncture needles with an electrical current. I typically utilize this tool for pain-related issues. The rhythmic pulse of the electrical current helps to reduce tension in tight muscles, “wake up” muscles that are not firing properly, and regulate disfunctional muscles.

  • Bodywork

    I am trained in two styles of Asian bodywork: Amma and Tui Na. Amma is a gentle, relaxing technique that works along the acupuncture channels to balance qi. It is used to treat internal conditions and can help to promote lymphatic drainage. Tui Na is a stronger, deeper style of bodywork that addresses specific areas of pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system.

  • Cupping

    Cupping is the application of glass or plastic cups to the body to create a suction or pull on the soft tissue. Temporary marks known as "petechiae" results from the suction. This is a positive inflammatory response which promotes circulation of blood to the tissue and helps to alleviate tightness and pain in the muscles, break up adhesions, and remove toxins. Cupping can also be used to treat respiratory conditions and digestive issues.

  • Gua Sha

    The Chinese translation for gua sha is "scraping sand." This ancient Chinese technique involves the scraping of the soft tissue with a tool to break up adhesions and release chronically tight fascia in the body. Like cupping, this results in temporary marks on the body and a positive inflammatory response. I like to use gua sha for very stubborn, chronic, unrelenting pain. This technique can also be used to treat the onset of a cold or a lingering cough.

  • Moxibustion

    Moxibustion is the practice of burning "moxa" or mugwort over the body, usually on or over specific acupuncture points. Both the mugwort itself and the property of heat have nourishing, healing effects on the body such as increased circulation, cellular regeneration, improved digestion, and relaxation of muscles and fascia.

  • Essential Oils

    I utilize medical-grade essential oils in clinical practice to enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Either through inhalation or direct application to acupuncture points, essential oils produce both calming and healing benefits.

  • Ear Seeds

    Tiny beads, also known as ear seeds, attached to a small adhesive are placed on specific acupuncture points on the ear. The ear is considered a microcosm of the body - points along the ear correlate to specific areas of the body. For example, you can treat low back pain through a specific point on the ear that correlates to the back. Additionally, branches of major nerves such as the vagus nerve connect to the ear, and stimulation of these nerves with needles elicits neurological responses for pain relief, stress reduction, and hormonal regulation.